Sonntag, 13. Oktober 2013

The First Week

I've been in Germany for about a week, and jet lag = a major bitch. I'm pretty sure I've slept more this week than I did when I had my wisdom teeth extracted about a month ago (and I was flying high on painkillers). My dorm room looks a bit like a prison cell, minus the rotting toilet in a barren corner and glass windows observing my moves. (Note to self: bring color to room).

The first couple days were gruesome fucks. It had been two months since I'd spoken German, so everything sounded like it was garbled in a "barbed wire snare" (as lovely Sylvia would say). My ears felt as though they'd been clipped from my head and sent down a rabbit hole. I felt like I was going to vomit up my whole life in a single sputtering cough. Apparently this is normal, or so I've been told. 

To sum up the first week: I have not been eating, showering, cumming or shitting regularly. Needless to say, I've been a happy little bear. 

This isn't to say it's been all bad though. I have an (unfortunate?) flair for the melodramatic, and usually eclipse the good with the bad. 

The forthcoming week is looking up. I've met some of my cellmates* and have acquainted myself (somewhat) with the campus, and am going into the City with Millie today. So hopefully, this lost little rabbit will have some sort of idea where he is in the next week or so. 

Signing off,
The German Jabberwocky

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